News rover ports 26
News rover ports 26

Q4: Could we make a ships shield flash a different color?Ī4: Ship shield meshes are made on a per-ship basis and included in the ship model.

news rover ports 26

Factions will be able to do custom effects, but that would be on a per-weapon basis. Q3: Can we have different weapon colors on the same weapon type?Ī3: We might consider allowing you to customize the colors of your weapons somewhere down the road, but that won't necessarily be a priority. Q2: What determines the amount of ore or material needed to build a given ship?Ī2: A similar system to the one that determines cost in the dogfight, with volume included in those calculations, most likely.

news rover ports 26

We'll be workshopping this idea all the way through launch, most likely, as we work out what resources are needed to construct various ships and structures. Not so many that you cant keep track of what does what, but not like 3 either. Q1: How many different types of ores will there be?Ī1: A good number, I'd expect. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: We chose the third.Įach week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. So Idyllic was faced with a decision - spend a long time editing this system to accept global data, hack a fake player to store this info, or make a lightweight normal datastore system to run in parallel. Everything was tied to a player id, in multiple places, making edits to it a lot of work. Unfortunately, this system was only good at saving player data. Our original Datastore module is great at storing player data, caching info to be accessed quickly and updated easily.

news rover ports 26

Last week we had the first half of the Live Challenge Board done, with the menu layout and the updating system in place, but we were stuck on the datastore portion of the system. This week we wrapped up the live challenge stats menu code, which you can try out today in the Alpha Dogfight, and amidst out work on secret but important stuff, we worked on a small side project involving simple planets, that could very well make its way into Freeroam. Hello everyone! Welcome to the 259th issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week.

News rover ports 26